The New Era of Radiant Aging: Love, Sex, Psychedelics & Wonderment,
by Randy Mack
Available in paperback and Kindle.
This book provides a comprehensive guide to Radiant Aging, offering insights on how to enrich one’s life physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It presents a roadmap to an increasingly profound, satisfying and pleasurable life. This is the Great Adventure of the Emergence of Conscious Embodiment.
The New Era of Radiant Aging is not just another self-help book. It’s about how to permanently remove the deeply imprinted dysfunctional patterns that control people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Radiant Aging is a unique quality of life experience that cannot be imagined until lived. This is especially true in the depth and intensity of our most intimate relationships as emotional and physical pleasures open into evermore exquisite realms.
Radiant Aging should be of interest to all adults, as most of us will age one way or another. How will this be for each of us? Just as in the 1960s and 70s, the Boomer generation is once again leading the way to explore a more conscious way to live, and now age.
The Egalitarian Worldview’s emergence in the 1950s gave us new abilities, insights, and tools to recognize and heal our personal challenges and traumas. Now, as the Integral Worldview is beginning to emerge, we will increasingly be able to recognize and heal even deeper levels of socio-cultural imprinting from the worlds we grew up in. Given time, this will lead to more understanding, appreciation, and compassion for the strengths and weaknesses of our own and other social groups’ values. Our world obviously so needs this further evolution.
The use of potent life-enhancing, if often illegal, substances has made available more consciousness-expanding and heart-healing experiences to more people than ever before in human history. Even an organization as conservative as the FDA says that these substances are more effective for treating depression, anxiety, addiction, and presumably more, than anything else available. The judicious use of psychedelics, MDMA, cannabis, and a few more may permanently remove the core issues that underlie these behaviors in a way that no other tools can.
The above factors and the increased sensitivity to subtle energies that comes with healthy aging are allowing leading-edge Boomers to achieve a new, higher quality of a mature, well-integrated life than has been available to previous generations. This is Radiant Aging.
And yes, life will bring difficulties, even tragedies. There will be joy and suffering, and old age has its own considerations and challenges. Still, with wisdom and compassion, members of this cohort will create fewer and milder self-imposed problems, find greater satisfaction with life, and more. Difficult issues that will inevitably arise can be dealt with with the appropriate wisdom and grace.
My belief and experience are that we humans have evolved, or have been designed, so that with good fortune, our senior years can and should be the Crowning Glory of Our Lives.