250301 A handy guide to useful AI tools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BzvI-FTZ0U
250228 Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism with Yanis Varoufakis on the Chris Hedges Report. It’s about how the internet and governments are turning us into serfs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZDh8JvUG1Q
250217 Another from David Shapiro, this one focusing not on what new is coming with the techo-explosion but rather on what will be going away. Many of which are more or less negative being replaced by potentially more positive ones. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox?projector=1
250216 This is an excellent critique, mostly of the Dems from a smart informed liberal oriented professor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuIb4j_hxSw
250208 This is a truly brilliant, cutting-edge talk from the Integral Institute website. This is from their Insitute of Applied MetaTheory re the Cultural Complexity Index. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU3ue8UyPRk
250208 Here’s another from David Shapiro. Fast Takeoff is Here. It’s about the acceleration of acceleration in our technosphere featuring 11 interesting graphs.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zuiEvF81JY&t=1s
250119 My partner was chiding me recently about being too caught up in a limited information window and suggested I expand the viewpoints I listen to. She was unhappy with my view on the Israeli-Hamas conflict and wanted me to adopt the current left criticism of Israel which I had no intention of doing. Still, in general, its a good idea. I saw the following podcast listed, which was a Hoover Institution interview with Marc Andreessen endorsing the incoming administration’s pro-tech, anti-regulation agenda, A lot of it made sense, although it’s an area in which I have so little knowledge, so I am still agnostic about the whole thing. What was interesting is in how talking about how smart Trump is re his policies, there was nothing about his 30,000+ lies while in office, his incompedent nominees, or the incoming misogynistic, anti-liberal Christian movement’s plan to take over all the American institutions: Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts and Entertainment, and Business. They want them all controlled by fundamentalist Christians and used exclusively to promote Christian values. That’s a rather large part of what’s coming to ignore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqeI7iViRmE
250106 Evolution, Consciousness, and the New Truth with Steve McIntosh. This a brilliant conversation about the evolving worldview he calls Post PostModern. I’ve been studying this stuff for quite a while and found this especially rich and informative, so if you are into this some it should be great for you. For people who don’t have some basic grounding in this, it’ll be frustratingly indecipherable.
250106 This is an interesting take on the differences and similarities between ideas of the Self as in Carl Jung and No-Self as in Buddhism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS6dyRekTUY
250106 Evolution, Consciousness, and the New Truth with Steve McIntosh. This a brilliant conversation about the evolving worldview he calls Post PostModern. I’ve been studying this stuff for quite a while and found this especially rich and informative, so if you are into this some it should be great for you. FOr people who don’t have some basic grounding in this it’ll be frustratingly indecipherable.
250102 Sme latest on climate change by Sabine Hossenfelder one of my favorite scientist commentators. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6EMJlt_Dsw
241228 Solving the “Economic Agency Paradox” with Tokenoimics – Post-Labor Economics by David Shapiro. This is for people well-informed on contemporary technology https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox?projector=1