250228 The Seven Hermetic Principles from the Kybalion This video is Bruce Lipton’s take on these. There are many other presentaions on them. The seven are a very concise list of the Big Picture look at existence handed down from antiquity: Mentalism – everything is mind, the Universe is made of consciousness Correspondence – as above so below, the integration of matter and spirit across the microcosm and macrocosm Vibration – evcerything is vibrating Polarity – the universal yin/yang or positive/ negative Rhythm – the cyclic nature, everything flows and has tides, there are recurring patterns Cause and Effect – all causes have effects and an all effects have causes Gender – masculine and femine energies exist in all things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJzekHoqV6A&t=705s
250208 This is a truly brilliant, cutting-edge talk from the Integral Institute website. This is from their Insitute of Applied MetaTheory re the Cultural Complexity Index. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU3ue8UyPRk
250106 This is an interesting take on the differences and similarities between ideas of the Self as in Carl Jung and No-Self as in Buddhism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS6dyRekTUY
250106 Evolution, Consciousness, and the New Truth with Steve McIntosh. This a brilliant conversation about the evolving worldview he calls Post PostModern. I’ve been studying this stuff for quite a while and found this especially rich and informative, so if you are into this some it should be great for you. FOr people who don’t have some basic grounding in this it’ll be frustratingly indecipherable.
This is another Steve McIntosh. It’s on exploring Post-Postmodern Spiritual Pluralism. How does the evolving front of understanding spirituality constructively relate to the older modes. https://youtu.be/Ug542bAke-M?si=DXirERvAxACihPHW