25 0102 I am sharing this video https://youtu.be/RMC1C34go9A?si=nBKflHiibsQwWlxA for the beautiful images and not necessarily the philosophy.
250105 In case you’re wondering, it’s been six years now since I met Emmy, and we’re still having the next best lovemaking ever on a regular basis. There’s the sweetest intensity and novelty. On these occasions, there’s always a surprise as you can’t imagine what you’ve never known.
250109 Based on advice from a reputable source, we tried taking a half dose of MDMA followed 1:45 later by a half dose of 3-MMC. (Thinking about 1mg per lb of each.) It was perhaps the most loving day we’ve ever had in our lives. What it made especially good was that we were in pretty normal state of mind compared to being on a regular dose of either, or any of the other life-enhancing substances. We were able to integrate into our daily lives better for that. I like the movement I’ve been seeing in this arena of less is more. That the energy you bring really positively affects the quality of the experience.
250203 I recently learned about the new magazine Sex and Psychedelics. I subscribed but haven’t received a copy. https://www.sexandpsychedelics.com They are open to submissions of art and written material so I sent them this image and I’ll send them some written material as well.