What I’ve learned from this publishing endeavor. Writing it was the easy part. I know that isn’t always or even often the case, but given the more or less stream-of-consciousness producing this, it was easy. I had to do a little research and pull together different information to fill out certain areas. I was careful not to implicate others in my salacious and often illegal activities. I looked it up. The statute of limitations on illicit drug use is five years. If anyone asks, that is going to inform my answers. Editing it was much harder. It would have been impossible if left to me. I didn’t have the passion for it. Good fortune intervened in the form of my dear old friend and compatriot, the very skilled and oh so tolerant G. I’ve apologized to her over and over again for all the frustrations I unintentionally caused her. Later in the process, Grammarly was a great resource as well. But now, OMG, the marketing. Given my relatively ancient 78 y/o brain and technical incompetence, I have wanted to give it up many times. Confusion, misunderstandings, and false starts have followed a punctuated learning curve. Now, as I write this, the small team I need is coming together, and I am cautiously optimistic. I only entered into this project because I found myself thinking things that seemed important, or at least useful, that I didn’t find others saying. I know that I am not overly gifted or unique, so I’m sure I’m not alone in this. If I can perhaps add a bit to an emergent worldview, that could be useful, or so I hope. I looked it up. Around 4,000,000 books are now published each year in the U.S. So how hard can it be to break out of the vast ocean of jetsam and become a rich bestselling author and media personality? This is a rhetorical question. Yet, if you are reading this, that gifts me a bit of hope that I haven’t been engaged in a ludicrous folly. Thank you!
Randy Mack is a non-best-selling author of The New Era of Radiant Aging, avidly looking forward to enjoying his posthumous fame as the unique excellence of his various Aspie-inspired artistic endeavors eventually come to be recognized and appreciated.
He is a man who is a head of his time. He walks his talk, loves his loves, and trips his trips with more hope and humor than fear and cynicism.
He has continually engaged in heroic journeys into the depths and breadths of his inner and outer realms of consciousness guided by a mysterious call to the next necessary stage in his life. It has taken courage and couldn’t have happened without much help and guidance from others, the use of life-enhancing substances, and some crucial Acts of Grace.
He will always be grateful for his experiences voyaging in the endless dimensions of Space and time, which are uniquely available with the judicious use of consciousness-expanding, heart-healing substances. He treasures the individual and shared experiences of weaving through exalted, numinous, and occasionally terrifying realms of the Universe’s ineffable glory.
He loves to, finally, in his 70s, be loved by another for all that he is and is not. Even more, he is so very grateful to be able to love his final partner without reservation. He knows that sharing a mature, integrated, partnered life brings profound gifts not possible in any other circumstance, at least not while on this Earth.
With all the problems in the world, he finds comfort in knowing that Consciousness created and sustains the Universe and is fulfilling its Divine Evolutionary Purpose to create ever more Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. He knows this process is unlimited and that there is no end to how wondrous the ever-evolving exploration of the realms of consciousness and manifestation can be.
He is confident that he has lived a life of value in this world. It began with much suffering, guilt, and fear, which he could not have overcome without the unique tools and understandings available to his generation.
He knows that, except for the Aspie mind, he is a fairly normal individual within the subset of healthy old hippies who have stayed on a radical path of personal growth. He knows that there are many similar individuals and couples in the world. It’s just that they aren’t readily visible unless one has the sensitivity to see their vitality and wisdom, with the smiles on their faces and the glow in their eyes.
He is acutely aware that many things can happen at any moment, bringing unforeseen opportunities, blessings, challenges, and eventually, the end of everything he is, knows, and cares about.
He could find all of this entertaining, even humorous if there wasn’t so much suffering in our world.
He hopes that in some small measure, his book and other endeavors may help some others find more joy and satisfaction in their lives.
Amen and a Woman