I’m excited about having this site to accompany and augment the book. I keep finding new and interesting information that I’ll be adding to the various chapters. I’m especially excited to be able to post active links that I couldn’t put in the printed book.
What You Will Learn in Each Chapter of the Book
Chapter 1 The Who, What, and Why of Radiant Aging. Here, I discuss the essential elements of the worldview expressed in the book. I write about this more truly mature integrated stage of life, for whom and why it is now available, and why it is so valuable. The How is discussed throughout the text.
Chapter 2 The Final Frontier. Much of this material is for people who have already attained a satisfactory life and are interested in and yearning for something more. I discuss ideas and practices to help move individuals toward a more content, pleasurable, generous, and deeply satisfying life.
Chapter 3 Blowing the Lid Off Pleasure. This one is primarily for committed couples who want love without conventional limitations. It contains conceptual and experiential practices to help acquire exquisite intimacy. It may also help those in other forms of relationships to create more profound, loving unions.
Chapter 4 Across the Universe and Back. In this one, I recount some of my more interesting learning and healing experiences, especially those using some life-enhancing substances. This chapter is very intimate in parts. I only share these stories because I hope reading them may open a helpful window into a world very different from what most people have experienced. Members of the hippie tribe will enjoy these stories and undoubtedly have their own. Feel free to send me some at my website. I’m building a collection there.
Chapter 5 The Worlds We Live In and That Live In Us. This one is both a discussion about where we are at as a society and an inventory of the information, ideas, practices, and people that have most helped me understand and become a happier, healthier, more informed, mature human being. I use the Integral quadrants, the inside and outside of individuals and groups, to organize the material.
Chapter 6 The Rodeo of Mind and Spirit. This chapter details these most fascinating and valuable life-enhancing substances. The original chapter was quite long, and I wanted to keep the book size more manageable. I assumed that given the wide propagation of all things psychedelic into the mainstream culture, most readers would be familiar with the basics of this realm. So, I moved most of it to the-new-radiant-aging.com while keeping things I think maybe less known and interesting to the psychonauts among us.
Chapter 7 Fucking Unbelievable! Here are stories about the unique physical, emotional, and spiritual pleasures in the hypersensitive, ultra-empathetic metasexual unions while making love on life-enhancing substances. I’m collecting more of these and other related stories for a second volume as well.
Chapter 8 The Nitty Gritty of Aging. This discusses the biological issues of aging and introduces the new science of extending healthy aging. Since this is outside the main focus of the book, most of this is on the website as well.
At the end of my Metallectual Adventures, there’s a story from Rinpoche Tsewang Dorje:
‘Three men set forth seeking fortune. All three went by the same road. One found gold, another came upon good land. The third saw sunlight making jewels of the dew. Each one thought himself the richer.’